World Book Day


“The main aim of World Book Day in the UK and Ireland is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading…”

(The Curiosity Approach)

World Book Day has always been an exciting day, as young children are able to get all dressed up in their favourite characters from their favourite books. However, in recent years I think we have lost some of the true meaning. It’s not ALL about getting dressed up! Reading books is at the heart as to why we have World Book Day.

Did you know 1 in 8 disadvantaged children in the UK say that they don’t have a book of their own? 9% of children and young people say that they don’t own or have a book of their own at home, a statistic that has remained static over the past year.

Let’s make books exciting again! Young children love nothing more than to get into a good story! See their faces light up when looking at the pictures and the concentration as they admire the storyteller.

At Little Owl’s this week we have had our favourite books out. The children have loved listening to new and well known stories. We have even acted out some, especially ‘We are going on a Bear Hunt’. We discussed how we handle books and look after them. A lot of our children have really enjoyed looking through the books independently and sharing with friends leading to lots of provocations and learning.

As Early Years settings we can help and support children and their families to assess books. There are some brilliant ideas that we can do as practitioners to share these amazing books.

  • Invite parents and their children to come into the setting for a ‘Bedtime Story’. The children can come last thing before bed comfy in their pyjamas to listen to a story altogether
  • Donate some books to disadvantaged children
  • Create your own costumes at the setting using recycled materials while acting out the story

Let’s continue to make World Book Day about books and sit back and witness the benefits to children of reading a good book, let them show you their fantastic ideas and imagination.