
Highfields Primary School Tel: 07340 456259 Email: highfields@littleowlchildcare.co.uk

Highfields Primary School, Elder Lane, Burntwood, WS7 9BT


Highfields Primary School

Highfields Primary School
Tel: 07340 456259
Email: highfields@littleowlchildcare.co.uk

Highfields Primary School, Elder Lane, Burntwood, WS7 9BT

Term time childcare

Term time childcare in line with Staffordshire schools term dates.

Childcare from 2 years: 12.15pm - 3.15pm Childcare from 3 years: 8:45am - 3.15pm


Morning sessions

Preschool children occupy our morning sessions and they are supported on their learning journey to reach their optimum potential in readiness for joining school.

We focus very much on child driven learning that is expertly supported by practitioners to optimise learning potential for children. We offer woodwork sessions and cooking sessions at our activity stations on a daily basis, supporting children to challenge their skills, to problem solve, and to think critically and make their own choices.

Extremely close links with the Primary School and interjoining doors aid seamless transitions into school. Please contact a member of staff for more information about transitions.

Afternoon sessions

Our afternoon sessions are open for a mixed age range of children from 2 years to preschool.

Whilst ensuring each child is challenged and learning is appropriate, it is very effectively managed by giving older children the opportunity to nurture and support younger friends, developing complex qualities such as empathy, understanding and communication.

The younger children have opportunities for very focused group work alongside age appropriate learning provocations. They learn, grow and develop quickly, learning skills from their older peers such as turn taking, speaking and listening and risk taking.

Forest School activities are enjoyed by all children using the school’s nature reserve area

Healthy snacks are served throughout the day. They have an opportunity to purchase a freshly cooked, delicious meal from the school kitchen.

Ensure your child is happy and nurtured with Little Owl Childcare at Highfields Primary School.