Tel: 07468 618030 Email: woodland@littleowlchildcare.co.uk
Burntwood Rugby Club, The Sportsway, Burntwood, WS7 3PH
Term time childcare
Term time childcare in line with Staffordshire schools term dates.
Childcare from 2 years to school age
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Full-day childcare or sessional childcare is available.
Wonderful woodland
“The best classroom and richest stockroom is only roofed by the sky” Margaret McMillan
Perfect for children from the age of 2 years, our Woodland Nursery is set in the beautiful grounds of Burntwood Rugby club on the edge of Chasewater Country Park.
With winding footpaths under a canopy of nature, discover a magical, make-believe world where anything is possible, using natural resources to build play based experiences.
Your child’s development
Observe your child’s resourcefulness and confidence to make decisions and watch as they allow themselves creativity of thought without barriers. From problem solving inquisitiveness, to sharing moments of complete stillness just listening to nature, what a perfect platform to nurture children’s natural curiosity and thirst to learn.
Safety in the woodland is crucial and children will be taught how to keep themselves safe and risk- assess themselves, with the support of adults to ensure the site is safe and risks are analysed in different situations to develop their perspective. They will be taught how to use tools safely, rules of the fire circle and how to respect the woodland code.
Learning and fun go hand in hand
This is a unique learning opportunity for your children to join a nursery driven by passionate outdoor teaching experts with skills to support your child’s learning right through to school age. No elements of the early year’s curriculum will be left unturned; it will be creatively delivered to your child within a natural environment.
Children will discover the impacts on nature of the changing seasons, learn how to care for our wildlife and develop their resilience to meet challenges, self-assessing risk, and becoming problem solving critical thinkers.
Foundations for life will be built, embedding physical skills essential to support writing, emotional skills vital for supporting resilience in the world, and developing a rich vocabulary and higher level of confidence with speaking and listening. Focus workshops and creative teaching strategy supports early phonics, reading, writing and mathematics in preparation for your child to start school.
Our fantastic dedicated indoor area provides a hub to meet, have our food and to support days we are unable to go outside.
What to wear
Although we have our indoor area, we like to be in the woodland every day, regardless of the weather.
Please download our comprehensive kit list for information on what clothing we recommend your child brings according to each season.
Fresh food is prepared on site daily and snacks and drinks are available throughout the sessions.
Term time childcare
Term time childcare in line with Staffordshire schools term dates.
Childcare from first steps to 5 years.
Join us for our new four week courses each term for parents and children from first steps to 5 years.
Step into the wonderful world of the woodland and enjoy play based learning through nature, led by expert outdoor teaching specialists. Discover nature in its finest form and share the magic of the changing seasons with your child.
Learn about safety in the woodland whilst observing your surroundings and watch as your little one’s ability to learn progresses in a fun-filled environment.
What to wear
To make the most of our woodland, please do come prepared.
Our comprehensive kit list includes information on what clothing we recommend your child brings according to each season.
Snacks and cold drinks and hot drinks for the parents are provided throughout the sessions.
Woodland Toddlers is £16 for the four week course and includes all drinks and snacks.